Terhesen lebálnázták, most viszont „túl sovány” a fitneszedző

Terhesen még a hatalmas hasa miatt cseszegették a német bloggert, néhány hónappal később viszont már azt kérdezték tőle, hova siet a gyúrással.

A terhesen 123 centiméteres kerületű hasat növesztő 33 éves Amynek minden valószínűség szerint sikerült új rekordot felállítania: néhány hónappal azután, hogy lebálnázták a kommentelők, már azzal piszkálják, hogy ideje lenne hamburgerdiétára váltania.

„Úgy nézel ki, mint egy bálna!”

Rendes fitneszblogger módjára természetesen a teste átalakulásának minden egyes mozzanatát megosztotta 15 000 követőjével Amy. Ahogy azt is, milyen hozzászólásokat kapott a terhessége alatt, majd a szülést követő, valóban bámulatos tempójú átalakulása során.

#throwback #realtalk ⠀ You look like a whale! How can your belly be over one meter!(it’s circumference🤦‍♀️) Were you Really pregnant 🙄 you forgot to fotoshop your titties. You are too skinny now! Eat a burger! 3 babies? Typical Asians.. they multiply like rabbits. WHY ARE YOU IN SUCH A HURRY TO GET BACK INTO SHAPE? ⠀ Those are some of the comments I’ve read on my transformation pictures. And UNFORTUNATELY, I’ve seen similar replies directed towards other mothers as well. ⠀ Obviously, now that my hormones and sleep cycle are almost BACK TO NORMAL I don’t take any of those comments above serious.. ⠀⠀ But when my sleep was non existence and my emotions was all over the places those comments definitely hurt. ⠀⠀ IT HURTS because so many of them came from women!! WHY?? I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ us women should stick together!!! Encourage one another instead of tearing each other down! ⠀ COMMUNITY OVER COMPETITION 👊👊. ⠀ I took care of my body, so I could move again without pain, so I could get off my medications, so I could carry my older kids without feeling like my body was falling apart. ⠀ The physical results that came from eating healthy and working out was just a bonus. I was equally happy when I was 1 month pp vs now. ⠀⠀ The only difference is that I don’t need help to take care of my kids. I can shower without having to sit on a chair. I can walk further than 5 min from my home. ⠀ I feel Our society is so off sometime. ⠀ If us mom don’t get back into shape after giving birth, we are lazy and don’t value our health. ⠀ If we take actions to get fit, we get shun for getting back into shape too fast. ⠀ Why does it has to be either this or that? Like why? 🤷‍♀️ ⠀ So, if you want to get back in shape - go for it. If you want to chill and take it slow - - do it! ⠀ Whatever makes your motherhood transition easy and Don’t let ANYONE make you feel ashamed for taking actions towards your happiness and peace.

A M Y | #fitnessfireball (@fitness.fireball) által megosztott bejegyzés,

„Ti ázsiaiak….”

Az ázsiai származású nő természetesen a következő kommentet is megkapta a képek láttán: „3 baba? Tipikus ázsiai… Szaporodnak, mint a nyulak.” Amyt az bántotta egyébként a legjobban, hogy a természetesen más anyákat is megtaláló kommentelők nagy része nő volt, amit terhesen, felborult hormonháztartással és kevés alvás mellett bizony nem volt könnyű megemésztenie.

„A melleidet elfelejtetted photoshoppolni.”

Hogy minél előbb leadja a plusz kilókat és teljes értékű anya lehessen, Amy gyorsan lefogyott a szülés után. Úgy tűnik, ez sincs azonban mindenkinek ínyére, ezen a ponton ugyanis azt kezdték el kétségbe vonni az emberek, hogy valóban terhes volt-e Amy. Aki a Photoshop órák mellett ezek szerint gyerekeket is bérelt a nagy mutatványhoz.

A reminder that you should never apologize for working towards being the best version of yourself. ⠀ You can't please everyone. The best thing you can do is just believe in yourself and do what you think is right for you. It's your life. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for living it your way. ⠀ I am #7monthspostpartum today #momof3. Time flies! ⠀ This is more than physical transformation for me, but about overcoming my own mental insecurities after my c section followed by an ER hysterectomy. For most of you who have been following me for some time, knows I had my share of ups and downs- in and out of the hospital. ⠀ Its been one hell of a ride and Im THANKFUL for every second of it. ⠀ The traumatic birth did shift my fitness focus for the better! From working out for atheistic reasons to gaining strength and mobility again. ⠀ All the effort to stay active and live healthy everyday is worth it. ⠀ Because I not only feel mentally great, but the best part is I can carry my kids again (all 3 of them at the same time!) and play catch with them without having pain running down my body. ⠀ Truly. If I CAN do it! YOU CAN DO It to. You might not see results as fast as you want to, but Don’t get discouraged and give up. Real Changes take time ❤️. It’s worth the fight. ⠀ Happy Friday all 💕. ⠀ ⠀#vietnamesegirl

A M Y | #fitnessfireball (@fitness.fireball) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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