A dagicikiző fitnesszanya rájött, hogy vannak kifogások (vagy csak trollkodik)

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Emlékszik még Maria Kangra, a háromgyerekes fitnesszbloggerre, aki 2013-ban valósággal felrobbantotta az internetet a kövér anyukákat cikiző Facebook-fotóival? Az aligruhás, tökéletes alakját és a három kisfiát bemutató, "Neked mi a kifogásod?" feliratú képére akkor 12 ezer gyalázkodó komment érkezett, tömegek érezték úgy, hogy a poszt valódi célja nem a többiek ösztönzése volt, hanem a fatshaming, vagyis a kövérek megszégyenítése.

There's a lot of false information in recent articles about "me making excuses" (for my recent photo) or apologizing for my original photo. Let me begin by saying: - Despite gaining weight, I am unapologetically still healthy. I have always celebrated women's fitness at every size, shape and age. - I have never said there are no excuses. My message is that fitness should be A priority (not your first or only as many of my critics have stated). - Do I have more excuses now than years before? My challenges are different. Years before I gave birth three years in a row and cared for these tiny humans without much help while starting my second business. Today, I have three active kids, 3 businesses, a no excuse mom organization and personal setbacks. I could probably take this most recent photo and caption it "what's your excuse?" and still piss off the world, but I won't do that. My message isn't about being boastful, it's about striving, surviving and seeing through each life season with clarity, confidence and conviction. I am unapologetically human and I have no regrets about what took me to this moment - a moment when controversy sparked conversation about health challenges and ultimately created over 300 free No Excuse Mom workout groups throughout the world. I'm admittedly timid about all the reasons why I'm hurting and healing today, but I want to thank everyone who has supported me and this important message throughout the years. #noexcusemom

Maria Kang (@mariakangfitness) által közzétett fénykép,

Most viszont Maria Kangra nem a gyerekeit tolta előre az Instagramján, hanem saját magát. És már nem is annyira nagyon fitt mint három évvel ezelőtt, egy válással a háta mögött, illetve a depresszióval való küzdelme révén pedig megtanulta, hogy igenis vannak nehezítő körülmények és vannak kifogások. 

Saját bevallása szerint négy és fél kilót hízott az emlékezetes üzenete óta, az új kép előtt pedig négy napig nem is tudott rendesen edzeni, annyira lefárasztották a gyerekei és a munka.

I usually have several rituals before I do a photoshoot: - If I'm not within my desired weight range I would diet 10-12 weeks prior - Two weeks before I shoot I would up my cardio and decrease my carbs - A week prior I would start prepping my clothes, applying facial masks and doing a manicure - The day of I would try to eliminate extra water from my body, ensure I was shooting in the morning (before I ate and was refreshed). HOWEVER - in the last several months I've been over-traveling, over-stressed and over "it" as I'm undergoing many life challenges and changes. While my sister n law, @brittenphoto in town, I decided just a couple hours before she had to leave on a plane to do an impromptu photoshoot. It's been over a year since I could get in front of a professional camera because I never felt 'ready enough'. There were constantly events, children, stress and even some depression, that prevented me from following through on my quarterly goals. Despite how 'unready' I felt, I thought about all the women I encourage to be proud of how far they've come and to celebrate their body at every stage of progression. I am in no way out of shape, but I am definitely and admittedly hard on myself because I rarely see extra skin, cellulite, muscles or a size greater than a 2 on a magazine cover. I rarely see Asians in the media! (that's a different topic!) So I have all those things. I shot this in the afternoon after eating a donut (thanks to my bff who owns a shop!) I didn't exercise for 4 days prior and was tired after a day working and being with my kids. AND I am 10lbs up since I shot that "What's Your Excuse" photo! So here I am. This is a raw photo with absolutely no retouching, no preparation and no shame. I'm finding my beauty again, I'm discovering my strength again and I'm relearning what it means to be brave, bold and unapologetic about where I am in my life's journey. #noexcusemom #mariakang #brittenphoto

Maria Kang (@mariakangfitness) által közzétett fénykép,

Ha jóindulatúak vagyunk, akkor felfoghatjuk úgy az új képeit úgy, hogy önkritikát gyakorolt, és bocsánatot kért a korábbi beszólásáért. Ha viszont gonoszak vagyunk, akkor simán hihetjük azt, hogy a hírhedt dagicikiző anyuka (aki egyben egy fitnesszvállalkozás vezetője, életmódtanácsadó és, író) továbbra is csak trollkodik.

Saját bevallása szerint egyébként valahol a kettő között áll. Továbbra is fontosnak tarja a testmozgást, de azt is, hogy a nők fogadják el olyannak magukat, amilyenek. Ne akarjanak görcsösen egyetlen agyonretusált fitnesszistennőre se hasonlítani, mert azok sem úgy néznek ki ám valójában, ahogy a manipulált fotóikon.

Thank you to everyone for your kind, supportive and encouraging comments from yesterday's post! I know we all strive to be "ready" for events, vacations or just feel good enough to wear a swimsuit or take a photo! Sometimes we will mentally never be where we think we should be, so just show up! Just do it! Just be proud of where you are in your life's journey! As someone who works with the elderly, I promise you, you will look back at old photos and events when you were insecure and think, "what was I thinking ?!" In gratitude, here's another raw image from @brittenphoto * (she's so amazing even her untouched files look great!) There are so many things we can nitpick, so many areas that many feel should be photoshopped - but why not show who we authentically are? This is me. #noshame #brittenphoto #noexcusemom #mariakang

Maria Kang (@mariakangfitness) által közzétett fénykép,

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