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A közösségi oldalak a tökéletes pillanatokról szólnak, de sokan vannak, akik meg merik mutatni a valóságot is. Íme egy tucatnyi példa!

Régen a magazinokat hibáztatták azért, hogy olyan sok nő elégedetlen magával, hiszen a reklámokban és editorialokban csupa szép, fiatal és sovány ember szerepel, de a közösségi oldalak - például az Instagram - új frontot nyitottak a tökéletességre való törekvésben. Persze tudjuk, hogy az interneten nem minden az, aminek látszik, és szerencsére egyre többen vannak, akik vállalják valós önmagukat annak reményében, hogy így mások is könnyebben fogadják majd el testüket és vélt vagy valós hiábáikat. Az InStyle össze is gyűjtött 12 olyan nőt, akik inspirálóak lehetnek mindenkinek, főleg így a bikiniszezon előtt, amikor aztán tényleg nehéz kikerülni ezt a témát. 

Kezdjük a sort Milly Smith-szel, aki azt mutatja be, mennyit is számít, ha derékig felhúzzuk a harisnyát vagy egy kicsit lejjebb toljuk, mert igen, a két kép pár perc eltéréssal készült. Szerinte nevetséges, hogy lassan fogalmunk sincs arról, hogyan is nézünk ki, ha nem vágjuk pózba magunkat, és már az is elég, hogy sokak szemében kevésbé tűnjön vonzónak valaki, ha a hasát szorító harisnyát kicsit megigazítja. 

Same girl, same day, same time. * Not a before and after. Not a weight loss transformation. Not a diet company promotion. * I am comfortable with my body in both. Neither is more or less worthy. Neither makes me more or less of a human being. Neither invites degrading comments and neither invites sleezy words. * We are so blinded to what a real unposed body looks like and blinded to what beauty is that people would find me less attractive within a 5 second pose switch! How insanely ridiculous is that!? * I love taking these, it helps my mind so much with body dysmorphia and helps me rationalise my negative thoughts. * Don't compare, just live for you. There is no one on this planet who's like you and that's pretty damn amazing don't ya think. The world doesn't need another copy, it needs you. * We are worthy, valid and powerful beyond measure ** (If you don't pull your tights up as high as possible are you really human?)

Milly Smith **** (@selfloveclubb) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A brit modell, Iskra Lawrence szerint a hurka is szexi. "Csak azért gondoljuk ennek az ellenkezőjét, mert nem nagyon találkozunk velük a médiában, kivéve persze akkor, ha valakit éppen megszégyenítenek a súlya vagy az alkata miatt" - írja a kép alatt. 

Your fat rolls are beautiful* *I made a video about them (link in my bio)* And the reason we have been lead to believe they aren't is because we don't see them in the media unless someone's being shamed for weight gain or ridiculed for their body. This is NOT the truth and not OK. Having rolls of skin / fat that are soft / squidgy or big / small does not define your beauty. I wanted to show you how my body looks when I'm relaxed and when I'm posing right next to each other so you can see how easy it is to manipulate how a body looks. (I filmed myself doing this for you on my YouTube) As a model in the industry 13years I've seen nearly all the pics chosen of me for lingerie & swimwear shoots are the ones where my stomach looks flattest. Which for a long time lead me to believe that's how I should look. Because even if I did happen to have a few shots where I'm in a position you can see back fat or rolls someone had decided it's more "beautiful" "aspirational" or will inspire more customers to buy the product if those so called "flaws" don't exist. But things are changing I remember the first time I saw curvier models in editorials with their rolls and back fat and I remember the first time I shot with @aerie and they wanted me to not pose but be real and just myself. Then when I saw my first campaign with them and I could see my unretouched body - pics with rolls / back fat I'm not gonna lie I was shocked. That quickly turned into joy because they made me feel good enough and knew that those "flaws" didn't mean I wasn't beautiful in fact showing that their models didn't have to be "flawless" was incredibly empowering. So thank you #AerieReal and everyone who created the movement it's not just game changing but life changing ILY* And that's why when I started my insta about 3years ago I created the #everyBODYisbeautiful bc we are more than the sum of our perfections we are all beautiful equal souls living in imperfectly perfect bodies.

i s k r a (@iskra) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Ezer oka lehet annak, hogy felpuffadunk, és igen, az sem ússza meg, akinek lapos és izmos hasa van, lásd Emily Skye példáját, aki egyébként a fotó alatti szövegben kiemeli, hogy a tökéletesség nem létezik, és ezt persze könnyű elfelejtenie annak, aki sokat lóg a különböző közösségi oldalakon. Ja, és ő nemcsak puffadni szokott, de striái is vannak, meg néha pattanásai is, de ez egyáltalán nem zavarja. 

Anna Victoria, a Fit Body Guides megalkotója azt prezentálja a mellékelt fotón, hogy fitneszmodellként is van előnyös és kevésbé előnyös szög. Persze nem mintha egyetértene ezekkel az elnevezésekkel, hiszen nem a külseje határozza meg egy ember értékét, és mélységesen egyetért azzal a nővel, aki azt mondta, ő ugyan nem tanulja meg elfogadni a hibáit, mert ő nem így gondol azok a jegyekre, amiket mások esetleg annak tekintenek. 

Me 1% of the time vs. 99% of the time. And I love both photos equally. Good or bad angles don't change your worth * I recently came across an article talking about how one woman stated she refuses to accept her flaws, because she doesn't see them as flaws at all. I LOVED that because it sends such a powerful message that our belly rolls, cellulite, stretch marks are nothing to apologize for, to be ashamed of, or to be obsessed with getting rid of! As I'm getting older, I have cellulite and stretch marks that aren't going away, and I welcome them. They represent a life fully lived (for 28 years so far :)) and a healthy life and body at that. How can I be mad at my body for perfectly normal "flaws"? This body is strong, can run miles, can lift and squat and push and pull weight around, and it's happy not just because of how it looks, but because of how it feels. So when you approach your journey, I want you to remember these things: I will not punish my body I will fuel it I will challenge it AND I will love it *** If you're following my page, you're a part of helping me spread this message and creating this movement - thank you. #fbggirls www.annavictoria.com/guides

Anna Victoria (@annavictoria) által megosztott bejegyzés,

"Az a baj az internettel, hogy a nők többsége csak olyan fotót tölt fel, mint a bal  oldali, pedig a jobb oldali is a valóságot tükrözi. És ha csak az előbbit látjuk, akkor elhisszük, hogy nekik tökéletes testük van, miközben egyre mélyebbre fészkeli be magát a fejünkbe az a gondolat, hogy nekünk pedig nem" - írja a képen szereplő lány, aki nem tett mást, csak egy kicsit elforgatta a csípőjét az első kép kedvéért, hogy ne látszódjon annyira a hasa.  

*SelfLove Bootcamp w/Kenzie & Gina* DAY 16: EMBRACE THE SQUISH · Okay guys, NEITHER of these pics have been edited, retouched, photoshopped, etc. They were taken about 30 seconds apart, this morning at the same camera angle. I am literally twisting my body so far that my stomach disappears on the left. **If you would have come across the picture on the left only, some of you may have thought, "omg that girl is so skinny, I wish I looked like that" **This is the problem with the internet. A lot of women only post pictures like the one on the left & at the exact same time they also look like the picture on the right, but if we only see the skinny pic, we think they "have the perfect body" & internalize the idea that we don't. **This is not true for everyone, but it is true for ALOT of women. **Today in SelfLove Bootcamp, we are working to #embracethesquish * Embracing those parts of our bodies where our skin rolls, squishes & sags. Because they are NORMAL parts of all bodies. 99% of the reason we feel they are bad, gross, make us look ugly, make us not sexy is because of the airbrushed & mutated images we see 10 million times a day everywhere we look. **LADIES & MEN: The rolls are sexy, beautiful & natural. No matter how big or small they are. **At the same time, I know they give you anxiety & make you feel all the negative thoughts, whether you have an ED, BDD or not. I honor those feelings you have & share them with you at times. We are all human & it is impossible to escape the beauty standards that have been placed upon us. **I want you to know that your body, naturally, as it is right now is enough. **Try not to compare yourself to images you see, those photos should not control your happiness, your self-worth or how you feel about your body. **Keri Washington said "You cannot compare your insides to another person's outsides" ** REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU'RE FEELING LOW. * LOVE, SUPPORT & POSITIVITY *xo #thereisnowrongwaytobeawoman #SelfLoveBootcamp #beforeandafter

·*· H A L L E ·*· (@_____halle__) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Lucy Baker fitneszblogger szerint semmi baj nincs azzal, ha vannak olyan napok, amikor nem figyelünk oda olyan szigorúan az étkezésre, és bármit megeszünk, amit megkívánunk. Vele is előfordult már ilyen, mind emberek vagyunk, és igen, rajta is meglátszik, ha egy picit engedékenyebb magával, és a teste azzal reagál, hogy felpuffad. 

Ekkora a különbség, ha valaki megfeszíti a hasizmait és elengedi azokat.

Ha valaki egy nap többször is belenézett már a tükörbe fehérneműre vetkőzve, akkor talán nem lepődik meg ezeken a képeken. Sara Puhto 20 óra leforgása alatt háromszor fotózta le magát: a reggeli edzés után, a kiadós vacsorát követően, majd másnap reggel. 

20 hour transformation photo ** Since it's the day after thanksgiving I thought it'd be appropriate to share this photo * The first photo was taken yesterday morning after working out, the second was at night after eating a whole bunch of food with my whole tummy relaxed and the third was this morning again after working out ** I've posted a photo like this before but I just wanted to remind you that it's normal for your stomach to get bigger after large meals and that our bodies don't look the same throughout the day! I know I get pretty bloated looking after I eat a lot and that used to really upset me because I thought there was something wrong with me and that nobody else's tummy looked like this after eating but I realised its just not shown or talked about a lot. So I just wanted to show what my relaxed food baby tummy looks like compared to my empty, post workout tummy. I'm learning to love my body in ALL its forms, not just when it looks lean and toned because I know I don't look like that all day. It's time for me to love and appreciate the body I have and stop striving for "perfection" * Anyway, I hope you all had an amazing thanksgiving, got some delicious food in and spent quality time with your family and friends!! **

Sara Puhto (@saggysara) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Foodie Girl Fitness bloggere is vállalta, hogy megmutatja, ő hogyan is néz ki, amikor éppen nem pózol profimódjára, mert nem az számít, hogy mennyi hurkánk van, vagy hogy nem elég feszes a fenekünk és karunk, bár lehet, hogy úgy érezzük, hogy sokan ez alapján ítélnek meg minket. 

Jen Widerstrom, a Biggest Loser (Nagy fogyás) című műsor egyik edzője szerepel ezen a képen. "Ne stresszeld magad amiatt, hogy a testtartás, a póz mennyire befolyásolja, hogyan nézel ki. Ez a két kép két perc különbséggel készült" - írja. 

"Ezt a képet nem akartam feltölteni" - írja a háromgyerekes anyuka, aki végül mégis vállalta, hogy megosztja a bikinis fotóját, mert szeretné, ha követői tudnák, hogy ő sem "tökéletes". "A kis tökéletlenségektől leszünk igaziak, emberiek és egyediek" - tette hozzá. 

**Perfectly Imperfect** This was definitely not the photo I intended to share. I realize Instagram is mostly a highlight reel and we share our very best photos but I want to be as real and transparent as I can with all of you beauties and show the 'imperfect' along with the highlights. Guys, I've had 3 beautiful babies.. that's 3 giant pregnancies.. along with 3 chances of stretch marks.. This body has been through a whole lot of changes! For that reason I will never judge someone else for their body. I don't know their story or what they've been through or the true strength that is within them. Imperfections make you real, approachable, human and one of a kind * #perfectlyimperfect #30secondtransformation

M a g g i e (@jaeatleta) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Vanessa Carlton nem ítéli el azokat, akik csak a legjobb pillanatokat osztják meg a közösségi oldalakon, de szerinte jó tisztában lenni azzal, hogyan is készültek azok a fotók. És igen, ő is használ filtereket, ő is több kép közül választja ki a megfelelőt, és mindannyian csináltunk már ilyet, de nem szabad elfeledkezni a belső szépségről, hogy az intreneten kívül van egy másik valóság.  

Let's get real in this Holiday Inn in Portland. I've been wanting to do a post like this for a while. Normally exposing myself like this would feel mortifying and inappropriate to me but given what I've been seeing online and knowing the way young girls and boys are affected by what they see, well, I feel moved to do this. I'm not judging the people that want to portray themselves as beautiful, organized, perfect outfitted and skinny. (I mean I love to scroll through an organizers Instagram.) But what you see on people's instagrams and Facebook is never the whole picture. People that post photos of their bodies and faces online, have almost always taken about 9 photos in hopes of getting that perfect angle, that perfect look and then they filter it. Then you see it and you think "wow she looks amazing", meanwhile the girl that posted it is frantically checking her "likes" and comments. I've done it myself. We are all guilty. Given this little platform that I have I just want to encourage young people to take themselves out of this cycle the best they can. I'm a 35 year old woman. I'm in good shape. I can fit in a sample size sometimes. I've had a three abdominal surgeries. An appendectomy when I was 12, a tubal salpingectomy (look it up) when I was 33 and a C section at 34. If you look at the photo on the left you can see my scar. These photos aren't filtered and if I tried really hard I could make my abs look perfect and then post it online and make a bunch of young girls feel like shit about their own abs. But my abs can also look like they do on the right. I'm presenting the whole picture. I carried an over 8 pound baby for what felt like 16 months. I'd say I earn both of these shots. Excuse the lengthy message. But all you social media devotees know that life online can be adorable and funny and connected and it can also be a manifestation of deep insecurity and faux perfection. In my opinion we are beautiful when we are kind and empathetic and curious and laughing. Explore the world. Get off your damn phone. Spoken like a mom right? Ps. This is a message to myself too. So much love, Vanessa @tracyandersonmethod red pants are *

Vanessa Carlton (@vanessacarltonactual) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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